
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Get It Done

There is something that I've never been good at and it's getting things done early.
I just can't seem to make myself sit down and finish things well before it's due.
I also suck at planning the future. 
I just don't plan. It doesn't happen. I just go with the flow figuring that if it's going to happen then it's going to happen, if it's not going to happen then it's not going to happen.
I don't take any real actions to get things to happen.
This, obviously, isn't the smartest nor the most successful way to live life.
And I'm starting to really hate this ugly trait of procrastination.
This hate has surfaced lately because my first and most important college application is due in a little over a week....and I've yet to make good progress on getting it done.
I haven't finished my Common App.
I haven't finished my College Essay
I haven't finished my Supplements.
I haven't finished ANYTHING.
And I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want to go to this school.
I want to go here more than I want to have any type of physical contact with a boy.
Sure there is always the choice of transferring into this school if I don't get in, but I feel like that will just be me being lazy again. There's a good chance even that if I don't get in, I won't even bother trying to transfer into the school because of my laziness.

It needs to change.
So for now on I'm going to make it my goal to get things done early and effectively.
This means I will have to give up/limit the amount of time I spend on the things I love. Such as Youtube and Facebook.
We all know that I can't completely give up Facebook. It's been tried in the past......and it failed. So I'm going to instead make it my goal to go on Facebook only once a day, and it's going to be limited to 30 minutes before bed. That still leaves me plenty of time to stalk people.
Youtube I won't go on at all. Which won't be as big of a problem cause I can't remember the new password I made up anyway.
Also...I need to cut down on my napping. Yes I am sleep deprived but I'll just have to deal for now. I'll sleep when I'm dead I suppose.

So that's that. I'm going to change my trait of procrastination and become a super smart, get things done, sexy lady.

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